How to Track QR Codes in Shopify

Jonathan Palley's picture
Jonathan Palley Sep 10, 2021

Our QR Code Designer app for Shopify allows you to get detailed reports in Shopify on which QR Codes are leading to the most visits and sales.

Shopify merchants use QR Code Designer + Shopify Reports to:

  • Give commission to retail partners that drive the most sales/traffic to their online shop (by giving each retail partners a different QR code to use)

  • Identify which mailer has the best response rate (by printing different QR codes on different mailers in an A/B test)

  • Determine what offline promotion leads to the best ROI.

  • And more!

In this QR Code Academy article, we’ll show you how to access these Shopify reports and give you a detailed background on how exactly the tracking works.

Viewing Shopify Reports

To view the reports on your QR Codes, login to your Shopify store admin and click on “Analytics -> Reports”. Then, look for the “Marketing” card.
Screenshot showing how to find marketing card in Shopify

There are two possible reports you can use: “Sessions attributed to marketing” and “Sales attributed to marketing”. The first report gives insight into visits to your site while the second shows sales. Clicking on a report and the first column you will see is “UTM campaign name”. The UTM campaign name is the name you gave the QR code in the Shopify app. Here, you can easily see which QR codes are leading to what traffic and sales.

Screenshot showing utm campaign in list

But, you are also seeing other data. You can easily filter to just see QR code data. Click on “Manage Filters” and then “Add Filter”. Choose “UTM campaign medium” to filter by “Qr_code”.

Screenshot showing how to setup a filter for qr codes

How Tracking Works: UTM Parameters

UTM parameters are an internet-standard way to track referrals. Originally developed by the predecessor of Google Analytics (and now widely used by Google Analytics and other google products such as Adwords), UTM parameters allow you to get detailed information on how someone reached your site. For example, UTM parameters are often used for tracking social media activity or in email marketing.

Shopify natively supports UTM parameters in their reports. This means, when you use UTM with your Shopify store, Shopify stores and processes the UTM information.

UTM Parameters + QR Codes

Our QR Code Designer app for Shopify natively and automatically supports UTM parameters – you don’t need to do anything! What this means, is that whenever a QR Code is scanned, the resulting visit to your site is tagged with UTM parameters. The UTM campaign name is the name of the QR Code (set in the QR Code Designer app) and the UTM media is “qr_code”.

With QR Code Generator Hub’s QR Code Designer for Shopify and Shopify Reports you can not only make beautiful QR Codes for you Shopify store, but also track their performance in detail.

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Written by

Jonathan Palley

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